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2021 Special Children's Christmas Party Part 2


For the past 16 years, NCS Group has been a part of this incredible annual celebration hosted by Special Children's Christmas Party. This organisation works closely with hundreds of charities, schools, community groups and government organisations throughout Australia to provide children with an amazing Christmas celebration.


The children invited to this event are those experiencing serious illnesses, physical or intellectual impairment, domestic violence, or living in underprivileged circumstances.

It is once again an absolute honour for NCS Group to support the Special Children's Christmas Party in 2021. What better way to celebrate the festive season than bringing “Big Smiles to Little Faces”. Despite everything else going on in the world, the reasons these children are chosen each year remains the same, so we are extremely proud to take part alongside the business community and all the helpers and volunteer groups, helping create a memorable experience for these children and their families.

NCS Group wish you and your loved ones a very safe and happy Christmas.

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