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ATO New Employee Online Forms

New employees can complete some of their employee commencement forms online through the ATO website.

The online forms make it easier for both you and your new employee. In order to use these forms, new employees need to make sure that their myGOV account is linked to the ATO online services.

The online forms that can be used instead of paper forms are:

  • Tax File Number Declaration
  • Superannuation (super) standard choice
  • Withholding Declaration
  • Medicare Levy Variation Declaration

The information will be prefilled for the employees which reduces the likelihood of:

  • Your employee giving you incorrect information
  • You making an error (such as withholding an incorrect amount of tax)

This means you as the employer doesn’t need to send the form to ATO.

Your employee can use the online forms for any of the following reasons:

  • They start employment with you
  • Their situation changes and you need to recalculate how much tax to withhold from payments you make to them
  • Your employee wants you to pay their super guarantee (SG) into a new super fund

If you have any questions or would like to find out more about this, please visit the ATO website or follow this link.


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